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🇺🇸 FAST 1 to 6 DAY SHIPPING IN THE USA 🇺🇸 Questions? Call 954-213-4977
🇺🇸 FAST 1 to 6 DAY SHIPPING IN THE USA 🇺🇸 Questions? Call 954-213-4977
Spry Firmware Updating

Spry Firmware Updating

Last August 28, 2018, the Spry Drone project was launched on Kickstarter. After just an hour from going live, it was fully funded. SwellPro is suggesting to all the SPRY drone owners to update their drone firmware. Just last February, we released a how-to video to help with any questions. We have also attached an instruction manual, which explains to you how to update the firmware. Remember to read the manual. Can you tell that he is doing it right in this video? Spry available in the USA at It shipped from the US, so place your order now by calling 954-213-4977
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