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Spry Waterproof Drone Testing in the real worlds

Spry Waterproof Drone Testing in the real worlds

The Kickstarter campaign of the Spry-the waterproof drone that submerges underwater, floats and flies was with 843% funded. That's pretty much huge! That only shows a lot were more than excited to try the Spry. We have seen the Splash Drone, a waterproof drone but this time, it's not only the drone that is waterproof but also the remote control. Wouldn't it be cool if you still have the remote control while you are on the water? So now, you wouldn't worry if you will fly in the rain or accidentally drop your remote control on the water. Here's how the Spry waterproof drone tested in real worlds.
Previous article Splash Drone 3 Plus with Cinematic Mode

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